Latest News
- Primary 4 were delighted to have Coach Liam back again today for GAA Coaching.
- P2 are hoping for clear skies tonight so they can witness the Harvest Moon after learning all about it for our new topic, The Harvest
- Primary 6 enjoyed their second coaching session with coach Liam today in the glorious sun ☺️ Everyone learned lots of new Gaelic football skills while having fun
- Primary 2 spent time with Mrs Lowe last week to create some back to school arts and crafts.
- We don’t know who was more excited to find out who their buddy was this year…the P7 boys and girls of the P1’s!!!! Always such a loved and special tradition in Kingsisland, our P7 Buddy System.
- The P6&7 boys had their first after school session of the year today. They made an impressive start with their application, attitude and skills.
- On Monday our Primary 4 - Primary 7 girls got back out to afterschool Gaelic football training. The girls enjoyed their first session back along with Miss Mc Caffrey and Mrs Coney.
- Primary 5 kicked off the new school season with their first GAA session with Coach Liam this morning. Everyone had a ball, and enjoyed the warm up games, skills sessions and of course the competitive matches to finish up.
- First week of P1 completed by our fantastic group of boys and girls. What an amazing start they have all made! Take a look at some of our learning outdoors this week made all the better by some final Summer sun☀️
- The sun always shines brighter come September and the Kingsisland children took full advantage of today's beautiful weather. That's the first full week of the new school year completed with everyone loving being back at school
- Some photos from our Primary 1 outdoor number hunt today☺️
Latest School calendar Events
- P4 & P5 Arts and crafts22Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Art Room
Miss B Donnelly & Miss S Donnelly
- P4 & P5 Basketball22Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Basketball courts
Mr Lyons
- P6 & P7 Homework Club22Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Hall
Miss Mc Caffrey & Miss Hughes
- P4, P5, P6 & P7 Singing and drama23Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Hall
Miss Maxwell
- P6 & P7 Boys GAA Football23Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ 3G Pitch
Mr Mc Garrity
- Afterschool Girls Football27Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ 3G Pitch
Miss Mc Caffrey & Mrs K Coney
- Swimming28Jan2025
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm @ Dunngannon Leisure centre
Miss Burke & Miss Mc Caffrey
- P4 & P5 Arts and crafts29Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Art Room
Miss B Donnelly & Miss S Donnelly