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  1. News
  2. Sky Dive Presentation

Sky Dive Presentation

13 March 2017 (by admin)

Mrs Dolan & Miss Robinson were yet again on cloud 9 as the pupils of Kingsisland presented them with a cheque for an amazing sum of £1790 for their skydive in aid of Muscular Dystrophy Leap for Luke

Mrs Dolan & Miss Robinson were yet again on cloud 9 as the pupils of Kingsisland presented them with a cheque for an amazing sum of £1790 for their skydive in aid of Muscular Dystrophy Leap for Luke ✈️☁️✈️☁️✈️☁️✈️☁️✈️☁️✈️ Mrs Dolan & Mrs Robinson would like to say a massive thank you to each and everyone of you for your generous donations. All this money will be spent directly on groundbreaking research projects aimed at improving and saving the lives of little boys like Luke and Brian Og! One small step for Mrs Dolan & Miss Robinson....One giant LEAP FOR LUKE!!!!!!!