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St John's Kingsisland Primary School News

The latest news stories from St John's Kingsisland Primary School.


News Stories

  • Friday's Big Match
    Some great pics of Friday's Big Match on the 3G between P1 and P2. The raw energy and enthusiasm of our youngest pupils is just a joy.
    Want to learn how to play chess or just enjoy a sociable cup of tea/coffee on a Wednesday evening in a relaxed atmosphere? Then come along to Kingsisland Chess Club.
  • celebrating and sharing success in Kingsisland
    We love celebrating and sharing success in Kingsisland. These young ladies came into school this morning beaming from ear to ear and couldn’t wait to tell all their friends about their amazing
    As part of our local study of the endangered curlews which are breeding next door to Kingsisland, we welcomed Siobhan and Rosalind to school today to give a talk to the children.
  • P3 & 4 After School Club
  • P2 Easter EGG-stravanganza Bake Off
    When Mrs O’Hagan & Mrs Kelly told the P2’s they were making special Easter buns today they were smiling from ear to ear. We just loved mixing in the chocolate and the best bit of all....
  • Congratulations to The Academy senior Ladies team!
    The Academy senior Ladies team who were crowned all Ireland champions yesterday. But a very special mention must go to our Star past pupil Orlagh Gavin who put in a dazzling display to win player of the match in the final.
  • Happy Mother’s Day
    Happy Mother’s Day
    Never mind the visit of the ETI inspectors in Kingsisland this week, the real highlight of the week, was the eagerly awaited big match between P1 v P2. This game had everything from raw passion to sheer determination.
  • Gaa Friday
    Gaa Friday concluded today with a hurling/camogie session with new coach Colum Dillon. Colum hails from Lavey in Co Derry.
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