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St John's Kingsisland Primary School News

The latest news stories from St John's Kingsisland Primary School.


News Stories

  • As part of our learning journey on the topic "Living Things"' we welcomed a very special visitor from Edwards Flower Shop Dungannon. Anne took time out of her busy schedule in the shop to visit us and share her knowledge and expertise.
  • P5 Designing Their Own Individual Farm
    Master O'Neill enjoyed learning all about our games and even had an opportunity to play a range of our different games.
  • Farm Life
    Today, P5 made the short trip to SWC, to take part in the 'Farm Life' Workshop. We started with the 'Milk It' workshop. The children learnt all about life on the farm and how milk is produced.
  • Holy Week.
    P1 have been learning about the importance of Holy Week. We reenacted The Last Supper and one pupil acted out the role of Jesus.
  • P2 AND P7'S Visit To Peatlands.
  • Special Easter Assembly
    What a fantastic performance our Primary 5 boys and girls put on this morning during our special Easter Assembly
  • Primary 7 pupils travelled back in time today,
    to experience what life was like in Famine Times in Ireland over 150 years ago. The very strict Workhouse governess, Mrs McKinlay, gave the P7's a scary but insightful range of Workhouse chores and experiences.

  • Today the P.1 girls and boys continued their topical learning outside the classroom in Tesco Dungannon! After learning about the journey of bread.
  • Irish Dancing After Schools
    Everyone worked extremely hard mastering new dancing skills, techniques and Ceili team dances.

  • Primary 4 are currently learning about World War 2. Their learning was really brought to life this afternoon during their participation in an excellent Living History workshop. The children learned about the life of a child evacuee during WW2
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