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St John's Kingsisland Primary School News

The latest news stories from St John's Kingsisland Primary School.


News Stories

  • Primary 2 Christmas cookies.
    Primary 2 took time out of our busy schedule practising from our school play today and began some of our Christmas art!
  • Mini-beast hotel
    Our Eco Warriors have been hard at work building their hotel for bugs. It already looks like we have some guests arriving to cosy up in their new found luxury accommodation.
  • January Dinner Menu
  • Preparations for our 'Rock n Roll' Christmas show in Craic Theatre began this week.
    Miss Robinson has been busy teaching the children the songs for the show, while Miss Sherry is pictured putting some of the older children through their dance routines.
  • 'Rethink Your Drink!!!!!'
    After our investigation into how many spoonfuls of sugar are in some drinks, our pupils just couldn't believe how much sugar some of their favourite drinks contain!
  • P5 Fun P.E lesson
    P5 enjoyed participating in a fun P.E lesson with our coach Brian today.The boys and girls practised their football skills before showcasing their talent in very tightly contested football matches.
  • Primary 2 Eggs-periment!!
    We predicted that the egg in coke would turn yellow but we just couldn't believe how quickly the egg changed colour in just one day!
  • Whole School Recycling Talk
    The boys and girls in Kingsisland had a very informative and enjoyable start to their week!A big THANK-YOU to Jill Eagleson from Mid-Ulster Council for visiting our school this morning to talk to the children about recycling.
  • ECO Warriors on the March Again!!!
    Building and strengthening community links is so important in Kingsisland. The mighty Eco-Warriors and the children in Primary 5 had a busy morning planting trees in the bogland behind Derrytresk GAC.
  • Santa's Elf visits Primary 4
    We had such an exciting day in Primary 4! The boys and girls welcomed a very special visitor to our classroom. It was one of Santa's elves! We think Santa sent his helper to see if we are as hard working as Miss Gallagher and Miss Gervin say!
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