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St John's Kingsisland Primary School News

The latest news stories from St John's Kingsisland Primary School.


News Stories

  • Confirmation Retreat
    Primary 7 pupils travelled to the Washingbay Centre today to take part in a whole day retreat in preparation for their big Confirmation day on 26th February.
  • Measuring in P1/2
    Primary 1 & 2 received an exciting letter from the Gruffalo today. We followed the instructions and just loved exploring measurement with the animals footprints and making our estimations!
  • Cookery Club
    The children had a great time making some mini Malteaser and Oreo cheesecakes in cookery club yesterday
  • P6/7 Science Trp
    P6 and 7 had a fantastic day in South West College as part of the NI Science Festival; where they attended a 3D space show.
  • Gruffalo Trip
    P1 & P2 were so excited for our Gruffalo Trail in Parkanaur today and it definitely did not disappoint! The children enjoyed listening to the story and playing some Gruffalo games
  • New PE Equipment
    Check out our P3 & P4 After Schools pupils with our new sports equipment for our school. We can't wait to try them all out!
  • Trip to Radar
    The P5/6s have just finished an AMAZING set of Safety Workshops @ the RADAR centre in Belfast Harbour! The children really enjoyed the interactive sessions and learned some valuable lessons for staying safe at home, in the community, and online
  • Zoolab Visit
    We had our very own take of Bushtucker trails today as some furry and slimy friends joined us in school.
  • Cinderella in the Marketplace Theatre
    The whole school travelled to Armagh to see 'Cinderella' in the Marketplace Theatre today. As you can see from the photos and videos the children had a ball.
  • Santa arrives by Helicopter 2016
    What a day we had in Kingsisland! Santa arrived with presents for every single boy and girl. But it wasn't just any old Santa visit because today he flew in by air in a helicopter!
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